We have made installing a dashcam in your vehicle simple and painless! This kit allows you to lose the standard cigarette lighter power plug, and quickly tap in to your vehicle's electrical system.
Installation with this kit is dead simple. All you need to do is tuck the cable behind your interior panels from the dashcam to the fuse box, locate a "hot in start" fuse, and plug in our add-a-fuse wire harness. Then, attach the ground to a ground point on your vehicle's body, and you are done!
This kit contains an Low-Profile Mini fuse. If you need a more common normal (non low-profile) Mini fuse, please click here, or the larger ATO/ATC fuse, please click here. If you are unsure which fuse type your vehicle uses, contact us by email or give us a call, and we will look it up for you.
Fuse Type Diagram
Compatibility List